
Alumnus are the Backbone of Brentwood. They give hope and inspiration to those on program.

Our Brentwood Alumni

Brentwood Alumni are people whom have graduated the Brentwood Program and continue to come back for their Aftercare. Part of their Aftercare is giving back what they were once received. Our Alumni are encouraged not just to come back to meetings or counselling, but to give back to the New Person first coming into Brentwood. Following that person from their first day on program up until their Graduation.

Alumni Volunteering

Many alumnus volunteer and help in whatever way they are able to. Some examples are giving rides to appointments, working men or women’s duty, visiting people, helping with the Brentwood Lottery, etc.

Become a member of our Brentwood Alumni Voters List.

Download and fill out the registration form above and hand it in to  Administration in the old Relay Office or email

Board Meeting Minutes

Virtual (Zoom) Meetings

Virtual Meetings on the Zoom platform continue to play a major role in keeping the alumni connected with each other and the people on program. We would love to “see you”!

If you would like to join us, the easiest way to register is to email or

On behalf of the entire team here at Brentwood, thank you for your commitment to our Vision – Transforming lives and communities through compassion, hope, recovery and service.

-Elizabeth Dulmage, Executive Director

Town Hall Updates

AGM Package – Nov 30, 2021

Alumni Townhall Recording – Nov 30, 2021


Town Hall – Moving Forward – October 21, 2021 – Click Here

There were approximately 63 logins to Zoom and lots of folks had multiple people present.

For those of you who couldn’t join us, we invite you to watch the video recording.

Town Hall – June 29, 2021 – Click Here

Our First Town Hall was a success. Thank you to the Board of Directors, Mark, Marc, Mary & Russ for your support. There were approximately 120 logins to Zoom and lots of folks had multiple people present.

The conversation, smiles & watching the Fellowship connect with one another was truly inspiring and heart warming. It is our intention to continue to hold Town Halls throughout the year to connect and provide updates. We are committed to continuing to offer the Zoom option for those of you who may not live in Windsor or for whom travel is a barrier.

For those of you who couldn’t join us, we invite you to watch the video recording.

News From The House – Monthly Newsletter

As it appears COVID is going to be with us for some time, we are going to do our best to keep you informed. But we need your help, If you know any alumni that have not received the News from the House and would like to be added to our mailing list, please ask them to send their email address directly to Please put “mailing list” in the subject line.

If you prefer to receive a hard-copy please call 519-253-2441 ext. 239 and we will be happy to mail you one.

Please click on the button below to download the latest letter to the Alumni.